"Happiness & Academic High-Achievers"
With Philip Guo

Philip Guo is a Ph.D. student in the Computer Science department at Stanford University. He received his Bachelor's and Master's degrees in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science from MIT.

Philip is son of Min Zhou, a graduate of Department of English Literature at Zhongshan (Sun Yat-Sen) University.

Philip was born in the Guangdong Province in China and immigrated to the United States at age 6 and attended public schools in Louisiana, New York, and California with far less access to college prep resources than teenagers growing up today in Silicon Valley.

Throughout his college and graduate school years, Philip has met a wide variety of extremely smart people, some of whom were happy with their lives and others who were not.

How can teens and college students achieve a balance of high academic achievement and personal happiness? In this seminar, Philip Guo will share his insights and answer questions about the following relevant topics:

  • What colleges should you apply to, and how much does reputation really matter?
  • How can you mentally prepare yourself for the increasing role that luck plays in college admissions?
  • How much of an advantage are you at in college if you went to a private (or outstanding public) high school?
  • What are the trade-offs in choosing between different college majors? (e.g., technical vs. non-technical majors)
  • How important are grades in college?
  • Is graduate school right for you? what's the difference between Master's and Ph.D.? How about medical school, law school, or business school?

As well as share information on:

  • The importance of finding and maintaining 'flow' (intense concentration and productive focus) in college as a surefire means of sustaining happiness
  • The dangers of overbearing parenting, esp. its detrimental effects on teenagers after they leave home and go to college

Much of the material in this seminar comes from articles Philip has written on his personal website. You can also contact him at philip@pgbovine.net.

Host: SYSUAA-NC: Sun Yat-Sen University Alumni Association - Northern California

Co-host: UCAA: United Chinese Alumni Association
Sponsor: Cisco Systems, Inc - CAAN: Cisco Asian Affinity Network

Location: 20600 Mariani Avenue, Cupertino, CA 95014
Date: Saturday, October 17th, 2009 Time: 1pm - 4pm
  1. Through Google form, or
  2. Send RSVP email to info [at] olixus [dot] com, with
    Subject: RSVP education seminar, Oct 17th, 2009
    Total # people:
    Names of adults:
    Names of children/students:
Please note: Please use Yahoo map for the right direction. The auditorium is actually at the south west corner of De Anza Blvd and Mariani Avenue, while Google map currently shows it's at the south east corner. If you take off from 280 and head south on De Anza Blvd, you make a right turn at Mariani Avenue; if you are coming from Stevenson Blvd direction and head North on De Anza Blvd, you make a left turn at Mariani Avenue. The auditorium is then on your left hand side soon. ** Please use Yahoo map for the right direction. **

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