Ping Pong Team competitions <东方明珠杯>乒乓友谊赛

Dear Alumni Association leaders:
UCAA  and Shanghai JiaoTong Univ Alumni Association will organize a PingPong team competition event on Nov 21st, 2009. Jason and Qing have done a great job in getting this organized.
We strongly recommend you to form Ping Pong teams (either by your alumni organization, or team up with other organizations) to participate in this great event. I am sure you can find lots of Ping Pong talents in your organization, and could wni the cup -- at least have great time playing with friends and fellow Ping Pong fans.
Please refer to the following anouncement for details, and register your team.
John Hu
(on behalf of UCAA sports activity board).

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比赛将视报名校友会数目,采取分组淘汰赛的形式。每队由五名选手(必须有一名女选手)或以上组成,一轮女单,四轮任意单打, 一轮男双,和一轮混双,同一名选手至多可打三场(不多于两轮单打)。

比赛地点初定在 Milpitas ICC club
http://www.indiacc.org/tabletennis , 1453 N. Milpitas Blvd, CA 95035)

"Jason Huang" <jasonxs.huang@ gmail.com>, John Hu <johnrhu@yahoo. com>, yuchunman@yahoo. com, qlucich@gmail. com

这一比赛去年是在交大,清华,复旦,和山东大学校友会之间进行的。清华大学夺冠。今年希望有更多校友会参加,好坏大家拉出来练练,也好增进友谊,并让有相同兴趣的校友们通过比赛切磋球艺, 共同进步。


北加州高校校友联合会(http://www. ucaanc.org/ ) & 上海交大硅谷校友会(http://www. sjtu-sv.com/ )诚邀


Thanks for the participations of fellow alumni organizations, and the great work from key organizers Qing Zhu and Jason Huang, the UCAA-Shanghai JiaoDa coorganized  "Pearl Cup Ping Pong Tournament" on Nov 21st is a great success.

16 teams joined in the tournament.

上海交大, 清华大学, 清华大学-2, 北京大学, 复旦大学, 中山大学, 中国科技大学, 浙江大学, 北师大, 华中科技大学, 西安交大,中国电子科技大学, 华南理工大学, 兰州大学, 校联会联队, 港台校友联队。

其中校联会校友会中除了单独组队的十多个校友会球队外,还有武汉大学, 山东大学, 四川大学, 北京科技大学, 南京大学, 哈工大, 北京邮电学院等校友加入了校联会联队.
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