Dear UCAA member associations,

First, thanks to all for your dedication to UCAA and today's member meeting.

Here is the voting result:

Out of 27 member associations* , 16 member associations attending the meeting voted unanimously for Jicheng (Kevin) Ye and Li Wang for 2008 UCAA president and Vice President.  According to the bylaws, Jicheng (Kevin) Ye and Li Wang officially become the 2008 UCAA President and Vice President.

* [Note] In addition, there are two member associations did not make the vote but expressed their support on Kevin and Li's presidency after the election time (12:30PM 2/03/2008).

Congratulations to Kevin and Li!

After the voting, Kevin and Li both spoke about their vision of UCAA and their focus in this year. We believe that this team can lead the UCAA to a new success.  

Finally, thanks again for every members' contribution and let us work together for a better tomorrow.

Best regards,

Daniel Zhao on behalf of 2008 UCAA BOD

中国校联会 正副会长出炉




http://www.worldjou rnal.com/ wj-sf-news. php?nt_seq_ id=1665741                                                                                                     2008-02-04