夢想與奮鬥 - 中華學子來美150年紀念攝影比賽
150 Years of Dreams and Struggles: the lives and spirit of Chinese People in America

HOME People Cityscapes Nature Animal Life Others

  自容闳(Rong Hong)1854年毕业于耶鲁大学,中华学子已创造了150年的留学历程。为了充分展示在美华人华侨及留学生的学习、工作及生活风采,配合今年即将举 办的
百年留美纪念活动,由中国高等院校校友会联合会主办,大连理工大学北加州校友会协办一场大型摄影比赛,在全美范围内征稿。要求稿件是作者原创,格调高 雅,能充分反映在美华人积极开拓的精神风貌,具有浓郁的生活气息。本次摄影比赛采取网上投稿及初评的方式,投稿截止日期为三月十五日(星期二),作品將會被展示在此網站,让您欣赏及投票。初评后 优秀作品将展出,并评选出最佳作品奖,获奖者将会得到精美证书和奖品。来稿请用中英文标明作者姓名、所属校友会或单位、联系方式。最好能附上简单扼要的中英文说明。請勿在一個分類繳交超過一張,故一個人最多能繳交五張作品。

1) 人物 People;2) 城市風貌 CityScapes;3) 自然景觀與動物 Nature and Animal Life;4) 其他 Others 

  To celebrate the Centennial Anniversary of Chinese students visiting America, the United Chinese Alumni Associations (UCAA) and the Dalian University of Technology Silicon Valley Alumni Association (DUTSVAA) are jointly sponsoring a photography contest titled “150 Years of Dreams and Struggles: the lives and spirit of Chinese People in America” (a.k.a. Happy Panda Photography Contest on Facebook).  We’re looking for original compositions that depict the lives of Chinese Americans, students and expats in a way that best exhibit their hopes, dreams, aspirations, and trailblazing spirit. All submissions will be shown here for your view and vote.  The 10 best photographs in each category will be exhibited, at which time we will give a prize and certificate for the best picture in each category. Please note that one person can not submit more than one picture in each category, so maximum is five photos per person.

The categories are:
1) People ; 2) Cityscapes ; 3a) Nature ; 3b) Animal Life ; 4) Others.

Now select one category from top menu and ...
Enjoy the photo viewing !!!

主办:中国高等院校校友会联合会  协办:大连理工大学北加州校友会

Thank you for the great support from photographers and many volunteers. Special acknowledgments of volunteers from
            UCAA: Jicheng Ye, Rong Zhang, Jinqiu Zhang, Wenxin Yu
            DUT: Gary Qin, Delphia Dai, Dawei chang, Jinwen Wang, Xiaoyu Xu

Sponsored by 中华人民共和国驻旧金山总领事馆, University of East-West medicine(国际医药大学), and Sunflower Academy ( 向日葵文武学院) 

  Hosted by UCAA and DUTSVAA.