东方明珠杯 2011 乒乓邀请赛圆满结束
(Oriental Pearl Cup 2011 Table Tennis Tournament)

在主办方上海交通大学校友会和中国高等院校校友会联合会的大力支持下,由各高校志愿者组成组委会成员的辛勤付出和无私贡献下一年一度的“东方明珠杯乒乓球邀请赛”于本周六11/12/2011 SAN JOSE拉下了帷幕。由中国大陆和台湾共18所大学组成的17支队伍展开了激烈的角逐如火如荼的赛事从当日早上8:30一直鏖战到晚上8:00 最后,清华队以4:3的微弱优势战胜了上海交通大学, 第五次赢得东方明珠杯冠军, 上海交通大学队则再次屈居亚军。 获得前八名的参赛队伍分别是:

清华大学, 上海交通大学, 华中科技大学, 浙江大学,南京大学, 北京大学,复旦大学, 西安交通大学




关注度最高, 山东大学校友陈雨铭东方明珠杯起草了第一份章程. 赛前网络BBS就开始讨论, 各个校队也多次进行了热身;

比赛时间最长 (8:30- 8:00);


各队队员球技普遍成长最大. 其中以华中科技大学, 浙江大学,南京大学, 北京大学, 复旦大学, 西安交通大学,进步最明显. 各队选手注意到浙大的两位高手,见神杀神遇佛杀佛,将冠军队男单主力全部挑落马下, 这些队已对老牌冠亚军清华,交大形成很大挑战特别引人注目的是西安交通大学, 众志成城,团结一心, 不畏强手, 连续三年小组出线,打入前八.潜力巨大.


赛前规则争论最多, 分歧最多;

组委会工作量最大; 组委会主席高永强教授除了自己全力投入外, 还请来自己的太太和学生们帮忙。虽然忙,他乐在其中,还赋诗道:“银球如梭情如台,你我挥拍促往来。同窗校友齐给力, 明珠杯上展风采。”

有位清华校友感动地说无论从哪个角度看,这些之最, 都能看出举办方上海交大和组委会为了这场赛事的成功付出了辛勤的劳动。”

,各校校友以自己的高超球艺, 聪明策略, 拼搏精神, 大度风格为母校的荣誉争光。

在冠亚军决赛一场关键双打时,满场观众和选手一起, 走了一趟惊心动魄,悬念叠出的过山车年满花甲的清华主将常安中与年青悍将George 配合, 面对两位2100分志在必得的强势交大组合Cheng Alan清华组合一上来就采用搏杀, George利用漂亮的直拍横拉,打了交大组合个措手不及连丢两局后, 交大组合才如梦初醒, 依靠实力加强了正反手大角度攻击, 连扳两局, 还以颜色然而第五局决胜局风云突变, 可能是太想夺回冠军了, 交大组合再度保守, 竟以5:10 落后连救三个冠军点后, 回天无力, 冠军杯旁落此过程中,  清华老将常安中摔倒在地, 爬起再战, 清华顽强地拿下了最后一分 另一场关键单打时清华校友李翎翔在小腿抽筋需要多次休息,她的对手交大校友程宁则破例耐心等待对手恢复最终李翎翔硬是靠意志坚持赢了比赛。满场观众以掌声报答了这场决定冠亚军的视觉盛宴

东方明珠杯还造就了一个乒乓之家南京大学队主将Cathleen今年她全家人,丈夫James 和两个女儿Angels Betty都来助战. 13岁的女儿Angela,她的爷爷,一位退休教授也是乒乓高手.去年观战东方明珠杯大"妈妈加油!妈妈加油!并从此一发不可收拾,无可就药地爱上乒乓球. 刻苦训练, 今年一跃列为美国乒协的2100分的大师级(master)选手,

东方明珠杯还促使原本就有亲密关系的院校和朋友更加亲密. 与上海交通大学有着血缘关系的西安交通大学队虽然她不象其它前八,她没有顶尖高手,但连续三年表现非凡. 原来她的成功的秘密是,她的两名主力一直和上海交大一主力练球多年, 硬是把这上海交大队员从1800打成2100, 也使西大无悬念地雄居前八. 真正是血浓于水, 红花绿叶,共同提高.


 我们也非常感谢这次球赛的赞助者Lynbrook Investment因为他们的慷慨赞助,以及现场的支持,得以使这次活动更加圆满。

比赛时间: 9:30 am – 6:00 pm Saturday, November 12, 2011

比赛地点: SVTTC (Silicon Valley Table Tennis Club) Orchard Bruins Event Center; 921 Fox Lane, San Jose, CA 95131 (The gym is on Oakland Road)

Hi, Captains:

金风送爽, 硕果满堂;紧锣密鼓,赛事在望。Please don’t wait until the  last minutes to register your teams, even though the deadline is on Tuesday, October 25.
In order to complete the event within a day successfully, we will decide the particular match format and rules on the number of teams that may be registered for this year’s event. 
We will use last year’s game rules for this year’s event.  The detailed rules are as follows:
  1. Top 4 teams from last year’s event will be the seed teams in a order of group 1 to 4:  清华大学、上海交大、北京大学、南京大学。 The rest of teams will draw lottery to decide which group they are assigned to.
  2. The order of 7 matches in each team competition will be singles, female-singles, doubles, singles, doubles, singles, and singles.  A singles game may be male or female.  Winner of a game will score 1 point for the team. 
  3. Mixed-doubles is no longer required.  A doubles match may be one of any double types (2 males, 2 females, or mixed).  Each match uses best of 5 winning rule.
  4. Round-Robin(分组循环赛)will be used in the first round in each group.   Top two teams in each group will be advanced to quarter-final.  7 full matches will be performed in a team competition if number of registered teams is less than 17; however, if number of participated teams is over 16 and a team has scored 4 points during the competition, the game is over, so other teams can play immediately.  If two teams’ scores are tied, detailed match scores in each set and/or each match will be evaluated to determine a winning team; otherwise game rules of American Table Tennis Association will be followed.
  5. Single-elimination will be used in quarter-final competition.  The first top team in Group 1 will match the second top team in Group 4 and the second team in Group 1 will match the first team in Group 4; the first top team in Group 2 will match the second team in Group 3 and the second team in Group 2 will match the first top team in Group 3.  7 full games will be performed in each team competition.  The flow chart is shown in attached file.
In addition for the volunteer helpers from Ohlone College and NPU to help us in the event, captains will be obligated to do the following (队长职责):
1. Making sure all of your players arrive to check-in before 8:30 am, Saturday, November 12.  Games will start at 9:30 am sharp.
 Making sure all of your players don not leave the match place during the game.
 Making sure that team members stretch well before the game to prevent
body/joint injuries.  Use two minutes only for warm-up before each game begins.
 Verifying players from your opponent team to make sure they are registered and are from the university the team represents. Arguments or problems must be reported to Yongqiang Gao and Cheng Qu.
 Making sure specified match order is followed for each game.
 Making sure to have smooth and efficient transaction between games, to avoid waiting or wasting time.
 Making sure to record the scores for each match, sign your name after a game is over, and hand in the score sheets to Cheng Qu.
Making sure our game place is safe and friendly.  OPC Committee has prepared a First-Aid box at the check-in desk.  Report to Jason Huang for any accidents that happen during the event.    

Yongqiang Gao 高永强(Chair, Professor of Ohlone and NPU – 赛事协调、纠纷处理)
Cheng Qu 瞿澄 (USATT Certified Umpire - 分管比赛规则、结果评定、奖品、财务)
Xiaohan Huang 黄晓寒(北大 Captain – 分管场地、球桌划分、比赛进度)
Leland Chen (上海交大 Captain – 分管抽签、分组、乒乓球发放)
Jason Huang (Also last year's volunteer – 分管安全、摄影、协调)
Kelly Bu (复旦大学。Lawyer  –  分管宣传、报纸、媒体)
Cathleen Chen (南京大学 分管饮食、安全)
Thank you very much for your support and cooperation.
Come and join us for fun!
Feel free to distribute this email to anyone who loves table tennis!!!
