Farewell/welcome party for Mr. Yang Shen and Mr. Wei Shao of
Education Section of
The Consulate General of PRC in
San Francisco
Education Consul Mr. Yang Shen will be leaving his position
and will be replaced by Mr. Wei Shao. I would like to
announce a farewell/welcome party for them hosted by our
local Chinese organizations, especially alumni associations
and Science/Technology organizations.
During the past five and a half years, Mr. Shen has been an
integral part of our community in the Bay Area and has
formed a solid bond with many of us. We will have a chance
to say good-bye to our friend Mr. Yang Shen and to have an
opportunity to meet with Mr. Wei Shao (邵巍) at the party; it
will also be a great time to be with friends.
The party is scheduled on Sunday, July 27, 2008, from
11:30am to 2:30pm at
Dynasty Seafood Restaurant
10123 North Wolfe Road #1688
Cupertino, CA 95014
(408) 996-1680
The cost is $28.00 per person including lunch, wine, tips,
tax, and gratuity. If you would like to join with us at the
event, please contact Shengheng Lin
shenghenglin@ comcast.net
e-mail ASAP.
Jicheng Ye
President of UCAA