中国心 硅谷情

一年一度的欢庆中秋佳节及“十一” 国庆联欢活动,已经成为湾区庆祝活动的一个传统项目。由百个硅谷华人团体,包括校友会、科技协会、同乡会、合唱团、舞蹈团等参与的“北加州华人联盟”将于930日星期天在 Fremont Central Park Performance Pavilion 隆重推出欢庆国庆及中秋联欢活动。“中国心,硅谷情”主要有开幕庆典,文艺表演,少儿游艺等。



今年的开幕庆典和文艺演出时间为下午3:307:30。最先开始表演的是穿唐装吟唐诗2012少年儿童唐诗朗诵大赛表演和颁奖。接下来有广受欢迎的男、女声独唱、二重唱,还有和谐动听的男声小合唱。 还有独特风情的民族舞蹈,别具一格的乐器演奏,活泼可爱的少儿舞蹈,气势磅礴的中华武术。相信这些精彩的高水平节目将给您带来欢乐。 

欢庆中秋佳节及“十一” 国庆联欢会会场将设在Fremont Central Park内,地址是: 40100 Paseo Padre Parkway, FremontCA 94538。美丽的伊丽莎白湖畔的表演舞台 (Performance Pavilion),蓝天作背景,绿茵为坐席,让您及家人朋友观赏多姿多彩的节目同时,舒适地享受户外美景。 

本此活动免费入场,欢迎各界人士参加。联络人: 林昇恒,电话: (650) 868-1017,  Email: shenghenglin@comcast.net                     

Moon Festival and China Day Celebration

 September 30, 2012

Central Park, 40100 Paseo Padre Parkway, Fremont, CA 94538 

Moon Festival & China Day Celebration has been presented by Northern California Chinese Coalition (NCCC) since 2000. NCCC is a coalition of over 100 community organizations including many university alumni, technology and provincial associations, arts groups, etc. The festival is free to the public and usually draws a few thousands of participants each year. This is the event you should not miss. Bring your friends and family members; come to take part in this wonderful celebration. Below is the program of the day: 

9:30 AM          Guoqing Cup Volleyball Championship Competition

                       Professional and Amateur categories

12-2:30PM      BBQ

3:30PM           Stage performance at Performance Pavilion.

                      Highlights of the event including professional vocalists, choir, folk dance and music, children dance, children tang poem show, Chinese Kongfu.

Contact: Shengheng Lin, Tel: 650-868-1017, Email: shenghenglin@comcast.net